Jackie Lewis
Members of the We’re All Human club are selling t-shirts to support their new cause Human-Kind — Be both.
Week In Pictures- April 1-5, 2019
Jackie Lewis, staff writer
The Problem of the Day began on Tuesday the 2nd to honor Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month.
April 3rd, CNN 10 released a segment on the new 5G technology that is being introduced to farmers.
Autism Awareness was highlighted during our Pride Time lesson on April 3rd. A TedTalk by Daniel Wendler aspired and taught many about the Autistic Spectrum.
Members of the We’re All Human club are selling t-shirts to support their new cause Human-Kind — Be both.
Pride Journalism works to get their stories approved by the national news page Best of Sno.
“Think Before you Click” is something you should think about during Technology Awareness week of April 8-12.