Heritage Clubs: From Kazoos to Pride Reading Club
Heritage offers dozens of clubs, honor societies, and service programs. All the details can be found on the activity tab of the school website.
September 23, 2019
It’s the start of the school year, so naturally there’s the start of school clubs. School clubs can bring out someone’s individuality. They may even bring out a passion you didn’t know you had. Heritage High School has a very active community for clubs throughout the year.
At Heritage, there is a significant number of clubs started by different students here at Heritage. “At the end of last year … there were between 45-50 clubs,” said Mr. Yorke, the activities coordinator here at Heritage. “Then on top of that we have our honor societies, student organizations … and then we have student government.”
With so many clubs to join, there must be a process to get it up and running. According to Mr. Yorke, “I am the go-between. I can give you information, of course, whether a club has existed previously, or if it’s something completely brand new that you have to go through the process of filling out the application. I then meet with Mr. Adam, we discuss and see if the club adheres to guidelines policies set forth by the administration building.”
Students at this school are very active in the process of creating and maintaining clubs here at Heritage. “Applications are rolling in all the time it seems, which is great! Kids are actively wanting to start new clubs and organizations which is good,” said Mr. York. “It’s on-going throughout the year … I think it was the last day of school last year, and I had an application come in already just thinking ahead for this year. It’s pretty wild.”
Some clubs here at Heritage are your typical clubs such as chess club, but then Heritage has some very… unique clubs. “One of which, for example, [is] the unicycle club,” Mr. Yorke said, also mentioning the kazoo club.
When asked about his favorite club, Mr. Yorke had this to say: “I have to choose the Pride Reading Club, are you kidding me? … Ms. Ashby puts it together; henceforth, I am the co sponsor.” He talked about this club for a bit, mentioning the activities of the club. “This year, what we’re doing is a little bit different. We’re taking the Virginia Reader’s Choice (VRC) books, so within the state, come April, students who have read a certain amount of the VRC books get to vote on what they think is the top of the top. What we’ve done is broken it up month by month, where we give you two options basically.” Mr. Yorke has also provided information about their meetings. They are generally in the second half of the month. Exact dates can be found in the Pride Book Club booklet provided at the library.
Whether you join the Pride Reading Club or the Kazoo Club, we can all agree on one thing. The clubs here at Heritage High School give students a sense of individuality and give the school character.