5 Things You Didn’t Know about Fernando Mendieta


Courtesy of Fernando

Fernando is on the cross country team and winter/spring track team. He enjoys being a sprinter for the team.

Anna Kahn, Staff Writer

Courtesy of Fernando
Fernando is on the cross country team and winter/spring track team. He enjoys being a sprinter for the team.
Courtesy of Fernando
He joined the Track and Field team during his sophomore year. He wanted to become healthy and to boost his self-confidence.
Courtesy of Fernando
Fernando has been doing martial arts since he was in middle school. He has achieved his topmost goal in earning his 3rd-degree black belt.
Courtesy of Fernando
He is working two jobs. He started being an instructor at Tiger Den in middle school and has picked up another job at Jersey Mikes.
Courtesy of Fernando
Fernando has been playing the guitar since he was a young age. He one time performed and attended Radford’s International Guitar Festival at Radford University.