Mental Health: Keep It In Mind



Mrs. Saunders, the school social worker, is one of our professional resources for mental health.

Katelyn Jones, Staff Writer

Mental Health is defined as, “a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.” Here at Heritage we have a great team of Counselors and Specialists. They provide many different resources here to help with mental health. We also have clubs here at Heritage that address Mental Health. In the following paragraph we will dive deeper into the programs that are offered here.

Ms. Saunders is the Mental Health Guru. Her specific job title is the School Social Worker. She runs groups for just about anything and everything. These groups requests are sent out at the beginning of the year and are filled out in a set aside time. You can choose to do a group or you don’t have to. The groups range from a mental health group, to a girls group, to a stress and time management group. These groups meet periodically through the School Year.

Another professional resource here at Heritage is Ms.Tannuzzo. ” This year we are launching a new partnership for the Mental Health program. This will be Sources of Strength being combined with Signs of Suicide. This is a really exciting new program that will help educate so many people,” Tannuzzo explained. The Heritage Mental Health Teams have individual check-ins with students if those students have asked to be worked with closely.

While Ms.Saunders and Ms.Tannuzzo are our professional resources on campus, Heritage High School also has clubs for student involvement in mental health awareness.

Sources of Strength and We’re all Human are clubs at Heritage that spread the word about mental health. They are trying to help eliminate the stigma around mental health issues. Just like the common cold or the flu, we all deal with mental health issues at one point or another.

If you feel you are struggling and need help please don’t silent. There are so many qualified individuals that are more than willing to help you. You are not alone. Seek help and don’t stay silent.