Hall Monitoring or a Pain in the Neck?

December 17, 2021
There is a new protocol in Heritage High School- the hall monitoring system. This is the first time in 6 years that hall monitoring has been implemented at Heritage. Why exactly has this system been implemented again? That question will be answered by some of Heritage’s very own hall monitoring staff.
The first interviewee was Elizabeth Hale, a teacher here at Heritage. Ms. Hale was asked two questions regarding the new system. The first question was why was the hall monitoring system brought back?
“There were al ot of students who seemed to be wandering the halls, with no purpose or direction,” Ms. Hale said, “We needed to get a handle on that.”
Ms. Hale explained her less than amazing feelings about the new situation at Heritage. This is a new taste for most teachers and students, and not necessarily what they signed up for. There are typically students who need extra help in their classes. Teachers teach, after all.
“I do not love that,” Hale said, “I have students who need help during that block, and if I’m out in the hallways monitoring people, I don’t get a chance to answer the kid’s questions; it makes their homework harder for them.”
To change things up, a fellow Heritage student, Erica Ellison, was asked for her opinion on the matter. To start, she was asked what she knows about why the monitoring system was put into place.
“I think [the hall monitoring system] was put into place, because kids are being dishonest with their E-hall passes, and using it to go [to] other places [than the assigned place on the pass].” Says Ellison.
Ellison is a little uncomfortable walking in the halls knowing a monitor is watching her.
“Personally, I don’t need it because I’m not wandering off, but they just stare me down,” Ellison said, “I don’t need that energy.”
It is becoming clear that monitoring is not necessarily a desired new addition to the school. A third candidate who wished to stay anonymous, didn’t really understand the need for the additional duty.
“I’m not entirely sure on the specifics as to why they put the hall monitoring system into place,” they said, “Other than just to make sure the hallways are safe for all of our students.”
The anonymous teacher is seemingly pretty neutral about the new-as-of-this-year situation. The reasoning behind their answers appeared to revolve around the idea of security and making sure everybody is where they should be.
“I don’t mind it at all. It’s fine,” they said, “I was already doing an academic lab, so I had a duty that block anyway. I just swapped out one duty for another. So, if it gives everybody a sense of security, I’m all for it.”
In conclusion, there are fairly mixed reviews on the new protocol. The reasoning for the system is relatively similar from all parties. Approval of this new system, however, varies among teachers. For some, this system doesn’t much affect their day-to-day job. For others, this system is annoying and unnecessary. Additionally, it is an added item to the list of “extra duties” added to a teacher’s plate, which is already overflowing.
Do you think this hall monitoring system is a reasonable addition? Or is it perhaps a burden?