Dogs VS. Cats

February 14, 2022
So I recently created a survey asking a simple question, dogs or cats? After 43 responses we have an answer!
36 people responded saying they preferred dogs and 7 people responded saying that they prefer cats. The people that chose dogs said that it was mainly because they had dogs and found that they were loyal, funny, and always happy to see them. One person said that they liked the dogs’ companionship compared to cats’ independent way of living. Although dogs are known as “man’s best friend” there are some responsibilities that come with them, such as barking, which one person has a simple solution for! “You can stop a dog from barking in the front yard by simply putting him in the backyard.😂” Other responsibilities include walking them in freezing temperatures, rain, and in the middle of the night, and when it comes to traveling most airplanes don’t allow bigger dogs, but the ones that make you pay a fee.
When it came to cats most people said that they chose cats because they are relaxing, sweet, and easy to take care of. One person shared that cats purring has been scientifically proven to positively affect your brain. After looking further into that I found out that the low frequency vibrations of purring is a “Natural healing mechanism” which means that when cats purr they can relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and cope with illness too. Many people choose dogs over cats because they find cats to be independent, shy, and/or mean. Overall both dogs and cats are amazing! Check out this video to see these 2 funny cats: