Pets of the Pride: Cosmo and Titus

Gillian Amrein, Staff Writer

Maya Alvarez, a junior at Heritage, is a proud and happy owner of two golden retrievers, Cosmo and Titus, “Cosmo and Titus are brothers and we got them both from the same litter in January of 2021,” Alvarez said. Alvarez loves to be up and active with her dogs, “I like to take my dogs on walks and hikes,” said Alvarez.

Taking care of 2 dogs can be challenging at times, but Alvarez has learned how to keep a good balance in disciplining them, “You need to be assertive, but loving,” said Alvarez. While having her two dogs, Alvarez has made note of some of their habits, “Both of them bark super loud and slam their tails against the walls very early in the morning,” Alvarez said.

Alvarez and her dogs have made many memories since they first met, but one in particular stands out, “One time Cosmo fell asleep in my lap and it was very cute,” said Alvarez. There is no doubt when saying that Maya Alvarez and her two golden retrievers, Cosmo and Titus, have a very loving relationship, and will continue to bond as the years pass.