“Sunshine Baby,” by Amber Bain, otherwise known as the Japanese House, is the 9th track off of her sophomore album “In The End It Always Does.” Containing themes of confusion, love, and heartbreak, “Sunshine Baby” sets the mood for the entire album, which was released in late June containing perfectly upbeat melodies for Bain’s perfectly melancholy summer.
The song runs through the conflicting feelings towards the ending of a relationship, “Do you resign to being in something that you’re not completely happy with, or do you resign to it ending? And which one’s worse?,” Stated Bain in an interview with Apple Music. There’s a recurring theme throughout the song of Bain accepting that her relationships are inevitably going to be surrounded by transience, “Putting off the end ’cause in the end, it always does.”
In the opening of the song, Bain states how she wants to live a cyclical lifestyle and wishes she could be excited about the little things like “The feeling when the windscreen wipers line up with the song.” As the song progresses into the chorus, Bain surrounds the positivity of “Sitting in the back seat, driving with my sunshine baby” with statements of confusion and concern for her relationship ending because of continuous conflicts. Towards the end of the song, Matty Healy, the lead singer of The 1957, contributes to the somewhat cathartic outro where it’s musically conveyed that Bain has finally completely accepted the ending of her relationship.
“Sunshine Baby”, as well as the rest of the album, heavily speaks on the circularity of all aspects of life which serves as a raw reminder that everything always comes back around and that “In The End It Always Does”.