The Paw Print

The Paw Print

The Paw Print

Athlete Spotlight: Mark Vantuyle

Baseball Player Mark Vantuyle

Mark Vantuyle is a part of the varsity baseball team. He is 16 years old and pitches for his 


Vantuyle started playing baseball when he was five years old. He played a lot of sports, but baseball was the one that stuck, “It was really fun to play.” Vantuyle believes his best help comes from his teammates and coaches whenever he needs them. As we know all players must practice; Vantuyles is no exception.

Every day after school he practices with his team and more to continue improving in baseball, “We have practiced here every day and I hit on my own outside practice.” Last year’s playoffs had some exciting moments for Vantulye, for the great games they had to offer. However, even though they had lost, Vantuyles can’t wait for this season’s playoffs. Additionally, Vantuyle mentioned he is looking forward to all the wins this season. 

Vantuyle expressed how playing has helped him mature him as a baseball player. Furthermore, he encourages those who are beginning baseball to stick with it, as he did. Lastly, Vantuyle’s future baseball-wise is to play in college and more.

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About the Contributor
Abeera Bhullar
Abeera Bhullar, Staff Writer
Abeera Bhullar is a freshman and is in her first year of journalism. She was born in Brooklyn NY and loves the city. In her spare time, she likes to sleep and play badminton.